Experimental Film Festival Barcelona

The Reporter from Ocoee with Love, Award Winner, Best Sport Drama
The Reporter is one of the greatest characters where Kriss Boiadzhieff delivers the news in his own way ...
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Experimental Film Festival Barcelona has double type of screenings:
Online: On the Vimeo platform there will be a private screening
only accessible to festival guests
This screening will be online for a few days, to facilitate viewing to guests
Live: Maria Elena Mansilla de Lizondo Auditorium, Resistencia Argentina
Possible Live: Slow Barcelona (in Barcelona, Spain)
as long as most filmmakers confirm their attendance
The Awards will be known the day after the screening
Some films not selected will have the opportunity to enter the Selection
by public vote. After the Deadline a vote will be opened for 3 days
and the 4 most voted films will go to the Official Selection
with the possibility of winning the Award.
Certificate of achievement by Experimental Film Festival Barcelona season 6th for Best Sport Drama as winner on July 2022.
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