Black Swan International Film Festival

The Reporter from Chattanooga with Love
The Reporter is delivering the news about inspiring speaker at the secret club control by Rob the founder of The Secret Project 53!
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Black Swan International Film Festival, Kolkata focuses on the unconventional, innovative, and true artists of our time. The Festival is created by independent filmmakers, for independent filmmakers, with the sole purpose of showcasing and screening new and upcoming talents from all around the world.
Our main objective is to provide an opportunity for filmmakers from all over the world to excel, by accepting all genres, to have the best work selected and showcased in a celebration of cinema, as well as to give filmmakers a platform to network amongst fellow professionals and cinematic artists. BSIFF is looking forward to fostering these relationships and to helping extraordinary filmmakers get their projects seen by global audiences. BSIFF unites cinematic, cultural, and educational objectives by presenting its film discoveries.
Black Swan International Film Festival (BSIFF) is also an IMDb Award Listing Qualifier.
We are also including and actively supporting not only the finest examples of classic movie-making but experimental works, breaking ground in new non-narrative forms and crossing over into the video arts. All films will be reviewed as they are submitted, and the best in each category will be chosen to screen at the festival. A jury of industry professionals will then view the finalists and choose the winning selections.
We are so excited to announce that our project is an
Award Winner
for the Month of June 2023 of
Black Swan International Film Festival
Certificate of Achievement

Atlanta Georgia
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