The Secret Project 53 Trailer 2
A secret experiment of how to manipulate people using a love letter, called Rokamboll. It is the perfect weapon, those secret experiments went out of control.The love is the perfect weapon that can be used to manipulate the people and Rokamboll was activated.
Finally, Rebekka the wife realized that the perfect weapon is her husband Bruce that turn out to have a secret life.
Who is Rokamboll and what it is Rokamboll? Nobody knew till now.
Bruce wrote the love letter long time ago. Is he the secret project Rokamboll? Watch the video to find out.
I am writing to you, because I love you ...
Braaking Newz Trailer
Braaking Newz movie will make you laugh, it has a unique style of comedy. Peter is prolific director and writer and his style of comedy is sardonic and insightful, and a unique blend of dry humor and wackiness.
The movie obvious comparison is with Borat Subsequent Moviefilm.
His directing style seems designed to keep the audience off kilter, with long pauses where we wouldn’t expect them, and unusual cuts between scenes. Shaina McLawrence and Moli Hall, who play Lorra and Anna respectively, do a great job as anchors. A lot of their banter seems completely natural and, one suspects, may even have been partly improvised.
The film has been making the rounds of film festivals all over the world, and has been gaining recognition. Peter Boiadzhieff won Best Supporting Actor for the film, by Golden State Film Festival, Los Angeles on March 2021. His other movie Comedy Sketches won Best Comedy Feature film by Bridge Fest, Vancouver on 2020.
I keep asking myself the question, what are the Bigfoot, whiskey and the 2020 presidential election have in common? It has a lot; you need to watch the movie and you will find out!
Los Angeles Theatrical Release Competition and Awards
Comedy Feature
Malibu, California 90264 USA
click here
Northeast Mountain Film Festival
Best Comedy
Dillard, Georgia 30537 USA
click here
Calgary International Genre Film Festival
Best Comedy Film (Long Feature Film)
April 2021 | Alberta, Canada
click here
Phoenix International Genre Film Festival
Category: Best Comedy Film (Long Feature Film)
Ontario, Canada
click here
Anatolia International Film Festival
Category: Best Feature Film
Istanbul, Turkey
click here
Hollyweed Film Festival
Category Longform
Los Angeles, California, USA
click here
Bridge Fest
Category Feature Film
Vancouver, Canada
click here
American Golden Picture International Film Festival
Category Feature Film, July 2020
Jacksonville, Florida
click here
Kosice International Monthly Film Festival
Finalist, Category Comedy Film, Slovakia
click here | facebook web page
Kalakari Film Fest
Feature Film
Madhya Pradesh, India
click here
Comedy Sketches with Peter Boiadzhieff Trailer
buy Interview Article, price $69.97

Interview Questions Example click here
buy Video Interview, price $169.00